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Oracle Card Readings 


Chrystof has been working with Tarot and Oracle Cards since he was 12 years. He grew up with stories of his paternal grandmother reading Tea leaves, offering her predictions in secret to those who would listen. He felts strong connection to his Grandmother and her stories, this encouraged him to get curious about divination, and using intuition as a tool to better guide life. His mother also encouraged his intuition, and guided him to develop his skills and to keep seeking out how to understand the marvellous messages and symbols that universe expresses. 

Chrys sees Card Reading less as a means to "Tell the Future" but more as a tool to understanding the energies and divine messages that subtly exist around all beings.  Interpreting them to bring guidance that can better support, empower, and inspire oneself, especially during difficult times.

Connecting to Oracles Cards that bring guidance and messages through Animal Spirits, Plant Medicine, and Archetypal Symbolism. 

Chrys offerings all his reading online, and creates a virtual safe space to open yourself up to the experience of divination.

Each reading starts with a guided grounding meditation, which now only helps you be present, but clears and steadies your mind, body, and spirit to be ready to connect to the subtle and Spiritual energies around you. 

30minute Oracle Card Reading: 


Suggest Sliding Scale is $40-$60

Payment accepted: PayPal, or etransfer.

*If paying by etransfer, please click "pay offline", and then send your etransfer to

To book your session, please fill out of the form below.

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